A few of the people on the banned list puzzled me. This is a part of the story on how Mary Ann of Soldiers' Angels - Germany got banned, along with the Greyhawks of Mudville Gazette:
"Like MaryAnn I appreciated that he had publicly acknowledged on Facebook that he knew the story wasn't true, but all I wanted was what MaryAnn wanted - the truth actually appended to the story. "I don't want a "Greyhawk vs Yon" story. Or a "Yon vs Soldiers Angels" story for that matter," I wrote MaryAnn. "A "Yon vs anybody" story is not helpful, but a "You can't trust what you read at Mike Yon's" story might be called for if he refuses to correct it."
"I advised her why halting her efforts was a bad idea - and it wasn't about Mike Yon"
Greyhawk tells the story, and it is a long story, but an important story. I had wondered how a Soldiers' Angel of Mary Ann's stature had attained the banned list, along with the Greyhawks, and now I know: it was all because Mary Ann didn't want glory she had not attained. It's a story of donations, of false glory, of heroism - unearned. It's not a new story.
The Tarnak Saga:
1) The Bridge Over the River Tarnak Looking at Fact and Fiction of the incident
2) From Tarnak Bridge to Bruhaha Looking at Yon's obsession for Menard
3) The Tarnak Scalp That Wasn't Looking at Yon's claims of scalping Menard
4) The Yon Conspiracy Over Tarnak: Looking at Yon's Conspiracy Theory Origins
5) Overview of the Michael Yon Saga
Deviant Behavior
1) Yon OPSEC Violations: It can't be more blatant but some are in disbelief
2) Yon Publicizes Video of American Soldier Losing Legs.
3) Banned By Yon!
4) Yon's Attack on PTSD as insanity
5) The Banning of an Angel