Regardless of the hype, regardless of the marketing, regardless of the reputation or name of a Non-Profit, you need to look at the finances. Is it right to hire the homeless? Is it right to hire the homeless to collect money for Veterans? Is it right to give the homeless combat uniforms and give them a third of the booty they collect to pretend to be Veterans while shaking down drivers for that cash?
It is your money and I know you want it to go to the cause you are willing to give it away to. I cannot stress enough that it is up to you to check their finances, before you fall prey to a worthy cause that isn't. If they give ONE Dollar to what they claim, legally they can claim to be doing what they're doing, even if they pay executives millions and spend millions more in marketing to collect the money for their salaries.
A Florida journalist ran down all 121 "Veteran Support" Non-Profits in the state and found some very disturbing information. One of the bigger "VSO's" got on my permanent bad side when they sent telemarketers after me to sell me trashbags with the US Flag on them. I learned later they pay those telemarketers 90% of the proceeds.
Sure, there will be administrative costs, and while the BBB has a lower bar than me on what percentage is appropriate, they are a good resource to check, before you give, as is Charity Navigator and others. Read the article