(Written in November 2009, this still applies.)
Some things really make you wonder. Perhaps there's some "justification," but it's simply hard to imagine what excuse would make sense why the government joins with the media in ignoring the ties of terrorists. The documentation is there and has been to demonstrate the ties between Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, Hizb-i-Islami, Islamic Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood, just to name a few of the more well known groups, and other Terrorists. It is no secret that Osama, Mugniyah, Zawahari, Turabi, are and have been working closely with Iran and The Sudan for decades.
One would hope but sees little evidence, that the intelligence agencies and political leadership of this Nation knows and understands that basically all of the tangled webs of islamist terrorism lead back to Tehran, and many through Khartoum, The Sudan. While the administration at the time may be forgiven for not knowing in 1993 or 1983 that the battles they fought in Mogadishu and Beirut were against the proxies of Tehran, today's leadership doesn't have the luxury of ignorance that history has removed.
In 2001 and even 2004, it was understandable that we were still trying to figure out the differences between Islam and Islamism, but today it has been clearly defined. It is more understandable that a Pashtun in the mountains of the Afghan-Paki border with no television and only the local Mullah to tell him that his name is written on a piece of paper fails to know the differences, it is not that an "expert" journalist on TV doesn't.
So, why is it that in the aftermath of the recent islamist terrorist attack at Ft Hood, the media, the Army Command, and the Political leadership are all talking of the dangers of offending "muslim sensibilities" while even muslim leaders are declaring the actions un-Islamic? Family of Hasan that have never met him have expressed embarrassment that their home town is tainted with his new title of Islamist Terrorist.
Why is the most powerful leader in the Democratic World is actively undermining the elected head of state of an ally (Karzai) while his Ambassador (Eikenberry) is reported-ably offering the enemy (Taliban) provinces of that Nation and the POTUS was practically making excuses for the obvious election fraud of an Iranian Dictator? The most obvious answers are not necessarily the real reasons but the few possible answers that most can imagine are not very flattering.
What we do know is that islamism is an attempt to attain power, not piety. We do know that there are close ties between leading islamists, such as Iran, and leading communists, such as Chavez, Castro, and il Jong. We do know that some big names in Hollywood such as Michael Moore and Sean Penn openly praise communists and apologize for Khameni.
But we also know that politicians will readily play up a situation if they think it will help them gain politically, including enemy propaganda. In fact, that was readily evident from 2002 to 2008 with the Iraq War. Many, if not most of the politicians that opposed the War In Iraq, first supported it. And mysteriously, they fell silent about it once Our Troops and Our General achieved Victory despite their best efforts.
There also exists a vast difference between the "official policy" of how the two parties propose fighting terrorism. One party has an old policy of fighting terrorism as if it were no greater threat than the mafia or drug rings. The other party gave up it's previous policy that proposed fighting it through proxy and clandestinely.
The fact is that neither were sufficiently effective by itself.
To effectively overcome any enemy, one must first know and understand the enemy. It is hard to believe that the leaders of this Nation and of Western Europe do not understand that the enemy is not a religion, but islamist terrorism directed from Iran. Given how long the information has been available, it is difficult to believe that they don't realize that Islamic Jihad and Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are little different than units in National Armies, but that islamism does not recognize National borders or governments even while using them as necessary.
Our enemy is more atrocious than any enemy we've faced. It routinely commits genocide, murdering its own more often than not, including women and children. It commits criminal acts for financial support, but it is much more than an organized crime ring. It runs drug rings but not for pure greed. It actually desires to destroy the minds of Western drug users.
Why do Western Leaders not clearly articulate who this enemy is? Is it for the same reasons that Britain didn't initially explain the dangers of the V2 rocket to its people? Because it had not identified a means to counter or stop it? Is it for the same reasons the Saudis downplayed terrorist attacks on its own soil in the 90's? They feared the appearance of lack of security, which was the case?
The world can no longer stick their collective heads in the sand. The Islamist Ideology is here and it is killing Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Hindus. It is directed from Iran and the Sudan. It is not a matter of Shi'a vs. Sunni, though it uses both. It has allied itself with the remnants and resurgence of communism, demonstrating its hypocrisy. It hides in Western Society behind the protections of politics and religion, but murder is not protected in any religion or society. In no society is a culture required to protect those that advocate their own murder.
To win this war, we must use every fabric of our Nation. We must use Law Enforcement , Military, Justice, Humanitarian Aid, and Information. We must demonstrate the Truth about the enemy. We must demonstrate the Truth about Our Troops. We must use Freedom itself, because Freedom is powerful. Indeed Free Afghans have overwhelmingly chosen Democracy over any other form of government, even while acknowledging its shortcomings.