It's rare that I can post an endorsement before a candidate posts their positions. David Bellavia is a different case. I already know where he stands on National Defense. He strongly supports a strong National Defense. He's demonstrated it more than once, on the battlefield and on Capital Hill. He is a known commodity, to many of us.
He faces an uphill battle, but it's not an impossible battle, not for him. He has faced greater odds. He's running as an independent (campaign site). He won't be beholden to the Republican or the Democratic Party, when he wins. We can use more independents in Congress and I believe the reason we have so few is that so few quality candidates, like Bellavia, have run without a big party backing. He also has a facebook page for his campaign. (Be sure to like it.)
Bellavia is a member of our Hall of Heroes. Who is he? What has he done?
What can you do? If you live in the 26th, sign the petition to get him on the ballot. Where ever you live (in the United States), his campaign will cost money, and he'll need donations. Some Veterans who know him are actually traveling to the NY 26th to campaign for him. And if you want more information on who he is, you can buy his book, House to House, David Bellavia.
And if you've never had the opportunity to hear SSG David Bellavia speak, the Prizker Military Library posted this great 60 minute speech, along with 30 minutes of Q&A. In the final minutes, he states his unworthiness to wear the same medal as those others who've earned it. On this subject, I'll disagree with him.