On occasion, I run into a conversation about who are Heroes, or why not all Troops are Warriors. This has been brought up from two very opposite quarters recently. One was a Civilian Patriot who is very supportive of Our Troops. The other was an MSM journalist who happens to be a Veteran. It came as little surprise to me when the journalist "defriended" me on Facebook. He didn't like that I challenged his generalized conclusions with evidenced facts, or that I pointed out the hypocrisy of his intellectual crowd when they engaged in namecalling as their conclusions fell apart for lack of evidence.
But from time to time, it is necessary to define the terms I use on a regular basis. Our Troops include every member of the Armed Forces, from the farthest removed Airman from the battlefield to the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant that takes out multiple terrorists, in the dark, with his bare hands. The latter is a Warrior, while the former is not. They are both Honorable and both have embarked on a career to protect Our Nation, Our Freedoms, and Our Citizens, at the risk of their own lives, but one chose a profession that put the likelihood of facing the enemy much greater than the other.
The job of that Airman in the rear with the gear, hunting down terrorists on the web or typing up awards and pay issues is just as important as the job of the SF Weapons Sergeant on the front lines, but one is much more likely to devote himself to perfection, because if he doesn't, he will personally see the death caused by his mistakes, while the other lives in a world without significant bullets. One is more likely to be thrust into a situation where Valor is the option he'll choose over cowardice, but the other will not know until that decision is thrust upon him.
There is a significant difference in the mindset of a Grunt and a Fobbit. The Grunt knows that his own abilities make the difference between life and death, but the Fobbit can live a year in a combat zone with no greater threat than a ticket for the wrong uniform. The Grunt has come to terms with the probability that he will be forced to kill or be killed, so he hones his skills, and hopes the Fobbit will fix his pay, sometimes under threat of Grunt Guerrilla Warfare. The Grunt is a Warrior, but the Troop we call Fobbit is an important part of making sure Our Warrior gets beans, bonuses, and bullets.
All of Our Troops should be Honored and Respected by the Citizens they've agreed to protect at the risk of their own lives, but not all of Our Troops are Heroes and not all Heroes are Troops. Few Heroes are in Hollywood, the NFL, or on American Idol. Parents may be idolized, but they aren't necessarily Heroes, even if they are Honorable and Respected for doing the right thing for the right reason, even in difficult situations.
Ya see, a Hero is one who has risked his life to save the life of another. Heroes are most often born in the ranks of Grunts, on the battlefield, but the Firefighter who runs into the burning building, knowing the beams may fall, to save a child, a grandma, or even a 22 year bodybuilder is also a Hero. The guy in NY that jumped on the track and shielded a stranger from an oncoming train is a Hero. Heroes don't do it for Glory, but because they're faced with a decision and they choose Valor, often in the face of fear, but knowing that action is required if another life is to be saved.
Teachers, Parents, Preachers, and Sports Stars should be Role Models, and many are, just as most Troops are. They live and work by Values like Honor, Integrity, Honesty, Selfless Service, & Respect. Values and Morals determine their decisions in easy decisions and tough. Good Role Models, those that live by those morals, are every bit as Honorable as Heroes, but they've not faced that decision that deems them a Hero. They hope they never do. Warriors do hope for that moment in time, to learn if they are or are not a Hero, because no one can know until they are faced with it, no matter their bragging bravado. Warriors want to be tested.
But a Hero is born in a period of minutes, or seconds, or sometimes days, while a Role Model is forced to decide daily to choose the Honorable path. A Role Model may not be a Hero and a Hero may not pass the Role Model test, but most Heroes began as Role Models and one day got the big test. The Role Model's task may even be tougher, because the easy way is always tempting, even if bypassed many times before.