The coward, Irreverent Terry Jones, could no longer resist the temptation. He wanted the publicity he had in September when he promised to put Troops at risk, and then succumbed to pressure to be a little more sensible. His actions, while not illegal, are ignorant,idiotic, and self-serving. If he wanted to prove his bravado, he would have flown to Pakistan and done his deed in Waziristan. No, he knew what the reaction would be, and so he chose to cowardly hide behind the protection of Our Troops, in Florida, while risking their lives in Afghanistan.
In reaction, as he was warned and knew would occur, atrocious passions were whipped into a frenzy in Afghanistan. Islamist terrorists used those passions to convince Afghans to murder 19 people. The actions of Terry Jones do not justify the murders of 19 people, but the actions of Terry Jones did cause those murders. He understood the repercussions. He knew that just the threat had caused violence in September. Obama intervened in the matter the first time, but failed to follow through with the other side of the issue.
The murderous reaction is barbaric and atrocious, but expected. Burning a Koran gained Jones publicity and money, but in no way made any positive statement. Jones, along with those that publicized his actions have the blood of 19 killed and over 100 wounded on their hands, so far. That blood is on his hands as much as it is on those he motivated to murder.
There is no honor to be found in this sordid story. There are only those who claim religion but instead desire power and publicity. Neither the Islamists that stirred the flames nor the idiot in Florida that sparked the fires are messengers of God, but simple propagandists attempting to line their own purses and attain power over other idiots, with the blood of others. And none that have died for their greed had anything to do with any of it.
Want some more Mr. Jones? Show me how brave you are and burn the next one in Waziristan. Put your own life on the line, so you can truly make a statement.