It's been an interesting week, as we learned that the current POTUS considers himself more accomplished than all but 3 others, and VP doesn't view the Taliban shooting at us in Afghanistan "the enemy." Blows my mind to be honest. If we give these guys another 4 years, the POTUS should proclaim himself more important than George Washington, and the VP will probably be telling us that there is no North Korean nuclear threat. They're both arrogantly ignorant. I never thought Robert Gibbs should have lasted a week, but he made those two look smart, and they should hire him back.
Oh, I'm sorry, he already thinks he's done more than George Washington!?!? Evidently, he thinks Truman did more than Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington as well. The Founding Fathers, supposedly did less than the guy that came along 240 years later? Winning the Cold War was less influential than "ending" the War in Iraq?
The Washington Post would have us believe that he not some type of egomaniac that puts himself above the First President, but a dupe who fell for a gotcha moment. But Obama did in fact say that ONLY his first two years, when he had absolute power with an absolute majority in both houses were enough to outshine even Thomas Jefferson, who put an end to piracy in his time, on Foreign Policy, that he has more legislative achievements than George Washington who oversaw the implementation of the Bill of Rights in his own first two years.
Meanwhile, Biden sits in his back office and opines that though we went to war with the Taliban, that we tossed them out of power, though they regularly throw acid in the faces of girls learning to read, that they are not the enemy. And that's the guy who tried to comfort us by saying he would always be in the room when Obama was making important decisions?
These are the guys that told us there were no Al-Qaeda in Iraq, that more guns in fight meant only more targets on the battlefield, for the enemy, that told us that no matter how many Troops we put on the battlefield, we would lose? These are the guys that after campaigning on Afghanistan as the first priority, and the "good war," had to be forced to send re-enforcements? These are the guys that told us that there were only 50-200 Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan when they took office are telling us there are still only 200?
These are the guys that tell us we should shift our Department of Defense budget from Troops and F-22's to Solar Panels? And are doing it? In every year that these two have been in office, the Budget Deficit has been TRIPLE the record year, while the DoD budget has shrunk. In a time of war, they've started a 3rd, without Congressional Consultation, much less authorization, and cut the number of Troops to fight them.
Arrogantly ignorant, or Ignorantly Arrogant? You choose, but it appears that Biden is rubbing off on Obama.