The news viewing public often hear the terms conservative, liberal, left, and right in regards to politics. Often "ultra-" is added to the beginning of the term, but are these terms indicative of their definitions, or a bastardization of the meanings? Do they have any modern value?
Traditionally speaking, a conservative was one who attempted to preserve the ways things were, while a liberal attempted to increase the liberties of the individual. In more recent history, the "leftists" attempted to move governments towards an international communist government while the "right wing" attempted to increase the strength of a National government, particularly relative to international standing. But is the political spectrum linear, or circular in nature? Does a 3rd world tyrant (Iran) with goals of an international Caliphate (empire) and forces aligned against the "counter-revolutionaries" really meet the definitions of "ultra-conservative," or is their brand of international socialism and dictatorship, just a new name on an old concept, with a slight twist?
Is the underlying priniciple of the United States that we hold elections, or that Individual Citizens have God-given rights that no man, or government can take away? If it is the former, do the "elections" held in Iran, in Egypt, and in Zimbabwe make those countries equally liberal? And if it is the latter, is it a conservative or liberal ideal to preserve the Rights of Individuals from the government that derives from it?
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