"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Barack Hussein Obama, UN, 25 SEP 2012
I had read about half of Obama's speech to the UN, but hadn't read this part initially. I began seeing the quote in other reports a few days later and decided to revisit the speech. I saw it in commentaries elsewhere at about the same time that the video maker was arrested and held without bail by the US Attorney's Office.
If it weren't for the actions of the US Attorney's Office, which reports to Obama, in a matter even local officials of California had considered irrelevant, I probably would not have revisited the speech, or would not have considered that sentence in his speech so relevant. But, within hours of his uttering those words, lawyers reporting to Obama filed charges and jailed the Egyptian refugee without bail. Tecnically, they have a legal excuse for the arrest.
Technically, he violated his parole by accessing the internet. But, in an era where the politicians and judges have deemed it protected that a politician can claim heroism and medals he did not earn, how can they then turn around and claim that one should not legally use a false name to publish a video that could result in his death at the hands of terrorists?
As the violence and politics surrounding this amateur video erupted, I noted that this was a fight between the Right to Free Speech, and a right to kill in the name of religion. I noted that the President, sworn to protect the US Constitution, should be speaking, and acting on behalf of Free Speech. While much of his speech at the UN seemed to do that, his actions, through the US Attorneys acting on his orders, demonstrates the opposite, that he is bowing to the will of the very Islamists that attacked Our Embassies, and suppressing that speech.
Speeches by others at the UN, included that of the Muslim Brotherhood President of Egypt, Pakistan, and Iran calling for an international law against blasphemy of Mohammed. Mosri of Egypt, who rose to power as a result of actions of Obama, has already initiated arrest warrants for the video maker, in a death sentence case, for blasphemy, and is seeking extradition of the Egyptian refugee.
In an era when the Rights of ALL people should be increasing, the last two years have seen severe increases in the curtailment of Free Speech. The Obama Administration has stood silent where the people have risked their lives against tyrannical regimes (Iran, 2009), while supporting the rise of Islamists that seek to curtail it (Egypt, Tunisia, 2011).
This is not the first case where his agents have detained those whose speech he does not support.