The War on Terror has not been won. The enemy in Afghanistan is not defeated. It is entrenched in Pakistan, and has expanded in Africa. It has taken the reins of government in Egypt and Tunisia, and fighting for power in Syria. The Administration has called for and is implementing an "ending" of the war, while expanding the drone wars, and few will argue to continue a fight the Troops are not allowed to win by the politicians that sent them there.
For years, I have argued that we cannot afford to "end" the war, without Victory. Many times, I've answered the trolls' question of "what is victory?" The simple answer is "breaking the enemy's will to fight." Previously, I've explained the particulars of how and what that is in regard to Afghanistan, and the greater War on Terror. At this juncture, it is immaterial. For the next 4 years, we are stuck with an Administration that will do exactly the wrong thing in nearly every case, and an opposition to the Administration that has less interest in actually righting the ship, than in exploiting how far off course the POTUS takes it.
In 2008, MilBloggers warned Americans that the junior Senator of Illinois was either clueless, or too arrogant, and would make the wrong decision for the wrong reasons, and backstab the Military, the Troops, and Veterans in the process. They were right, and proven right, consistently over the next 4 years. In 2012, MilBloggers pointed out the record. The candidate promised "fundamental change," and he has delivered.
His speeches have called for screwing the military, at the same time he promised to "not break faith" with them. It's like announcing a retreat, while calling for a "surge." Or devoting nearly an hour a week to the "top priority." Or telling Veterans how dedicated he is to them, while adding a few thousand dollars a year in new tax to the the health care benefits they earned.
The current Administration is going to continue those policies, while promising not to, in the same speeches that promise to protect them from it, like opposing sequestration because it'll break the military's back, while calling for greater cuts to the DoD.
The War in Afghanistan is winnable, but this Administration won't allow it to be won. The War on Terror is winnable, but this Administration will continue to commit to the policies that are losing it. Where does that leave us? Fighting to fight for a Victory that the Administration won't allow? Sending Our Troops to risk their lives in a war that will "end" but not be won? The clock has been turned back to 9/10/01. Americans have slipped blindfold over their own eyes. The current crop of politicians will remain in power until at least 2014.
While Our Troops are deployed to Niger, Uganda, and places unreported to the people, and our drones bomb "threat TV stations" in Africa and elsewhere, Liberty and Rights at home are being curtailed. And the same old politicians are being re-elected.
Increasingly, I am reminded that I cannot protect Our Nation alone, and that my words are less persuasive than I would have liked to think.
Is there a point to fighting the War on Terror, including the War in Afghanistan? Yes, but only if we are going to fight to win. Is there a point in fighting to keep Our Liberties at home? Yes, but if I can defend only those of my own, then it will be mine for which I maintain a defense. If Americans won't fight to keep their own Liberty, can it be kept?
If America wants her Warrirors to fight, then Americans must also stand up for their own Rights, and must defend their Warriors from the politicians they put in office.
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