Evidently, the Federal Government considers us ALL co-conspirators to terrorism. The Administration may refuse to call the Boston Bombers or the Fort Hood Shooter, or the Little Rock Shooter, or the Panty Bomber, or the Times Square Bomber, or any other Islamist, a terrorist. It may have collected their phone records, their internet activity, and everything else, along with yours and mine, but the Constitutional bar, for a warrant to be issued to collect your information, is that there must be evidence of criminal activity. So, that FISA judge, Roger Vinson, must have concluded that ALL Americans are co-conspirators to terrorists.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court, with blatant disregard for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and in particular the 4th Amendment, has decided that any person, innocent or not, without warrant, can be forced to provide his DNA.
The Constitution does not give the Supreme Court the authority to alter the Constitution or any amendment to it. It expressly does not give the Supreme Court the authority to write laws, only to rule on the laws Congress writes, and the Pressident passes, and toss out that legislation that is not authorized by the Constitution.
The precedent had been set. The IRS has ignored the 4th and 5th Amendments for decades. More recently it has become the political arm of the Administration, abusing its powers in order to interrogate officers of non-profit organizations on their politics, donors, and supporters, auditing those that oppose the politics of its unions, and holding up the approval process of those that it believes to be politically opposed to their bosses.
Only a few months ago, when the "Prism" program of spying on ALL Americans failed to stop Chechnyan Islamist Terrorists from exploding their pressure cookers at the Boston Marathon, the Boston Police ordered a million citizens to a lockdown, as they conducted a house to house search, again, without success of finding the bomber. They used military technology in aircraft to search the houses, yards, and bushes. But in the end, it was a vigilant citizen outside of the lockdowned area, who alerted police to the bomber, and only then was the electronic search of property actually focused on the terrorist.
For years now, travelers have accepted that the TSA could commit sexual assault or use high technology to pornograpically view them, as a price for the convenience of air travel.
While these are all the actions of this Administration, we didn't get to this point in just 5 years. It has however gone from progressive erosion of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to an exponential extinction of Rights. The rulers of this land are not solely to blame. It is in the very nature of the majority of those that seek power, to expand the power they have. It is the very nature of politicians to lie. It is the responsibility of Citizens to keep the government in check, to choose Representatives, to force the executive branch to confine its activities to the Constitution.
The politicians lulled Americans to sleep, with a claim that it could keep us safe. They lied to us. They told us that if we weren't doing anything wrong, they wouldn't intrude more into our lives than was absolutely necessary to keep us safe.
The apologists will tell you it is a necessary and good thing that the government knows every person you call, how long you talk to them, and where you and they were when you called. The apologists will tell you that it is necessary for your safety that the government is aware of your every click on the internet.
Dwight D Eisenhower did not think so. He specifically ordered that no Intelligence Agency would EVER spy on any US citizens, including US persons, including US companies. Posse Comitatus means that if a US Citizen is suspected of a crime, it is a law enforcement matter, not a military or intelligence agency issue. The Bill of Rights explicitly lists the Rights of Citizens from the government.
If the recent news of the government's intrusions on the Rights of the Citizenry is insufficient to wake up Americans in sufficient numbers to call for a return to a Constitutional Republic, it will literally take door to door searches to do so. Police States throughout history and the world would cream their jeans over the thoroughness of collection of the US Government's spy agencies on Americans today.
From the databases they have, with simple programs available, they could literally pull up a profile of you, including ALL of your associations, your intrigues, and your activities. A simple association chart would tell them how often you call your grandma, and if you are likely to be having an affair with a co-worker. Just the number of short calls from close proximity to a hotel entrance to someone in the hotel, would give them a reasonable chance of knowing of your liasons. The association chart would tell them what they needed to blackmail you, of what you didn't want others to know, and what you hold important.
You may tell yourself that you have nothing to fear, because you have committed no crimes. You may apologize for these intrusions into the lives of others, because you like the politics of the current ruler, but I remind you that we don't know who the next one will be, or who will run the country in 2025. In 1910, the Russians never dreamed of the purges of Stalin. In 1965, Persians never dreamed that they'd be forced to wear an hijab, or that a man would be sentenced to death for conversion from Islam. In 1955, Cubans never thought they'd be rounded up for wanting to own their own business. In 1925, Korean fathers did not fear their daughters would be forced into sex houses of the enemy. In 1915, the Chinese did not dream their sons would be lined up in a contest of who could chop off the most heads in a day. In 1975, Afghans did not dream of a day when their daughters would have acid thrown in their face for daring to learn to read.
And this information is a demonstration that we no longer have a Constitutional Republic of Citizens with Equal Rights to the President which runs the government, but are instead subjects of a ruler, who will do what he wants.