War On Terror News - Perspectives is for our original content. While our positions are based in our experiences, the news at the main site, and independent study, this is where we post the analysis of that news.
Medal of Honor
Their Stories in Their Words. Video Testimony of the events that *earned* them the Medal of Honor (*****)
An American Carol - Comedy
The best comedy of 2008 and perhaps the new millenium, sure to be a hit with Our Warriors. I was one of the first to see it at the theater and this was my review then: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2008/10/movie-review--.html
It's available in Blu-Ray and it'll certainly be in my DVD collection. Finally, a great movie, patriotic, anti-Michael Moore, with actors of rational minds.
LTG(ret) Michael DeLong: A General Speaks Out
Go Behind the Scenes at CentCom with the #2 General in charge of the Middle East Theater. He dispels myths and explains the decisions and personalities involved in the decisions made in the Who, What, Where, When and Why. When the SecDef needed an answer, this was the man he called.
Clearly, he was a Marine's Marine leading the US Military at times of Great Peril. He speaks frankly and writes in a manner without political aspiration. (*****)
Robin Moore, RIP: The Hunt for Bin Laden
There is perhaps no other civilian author that has searched so deeply and learned so much about the "Green Berets", which happens to be the title of his earlier book, on which John Wayne's movie was based.
Following the Invasion of Afghanistan, he went as quickly as he could get there and talked to the Men from the 5th Special Forces Group who were still there to hear the stories straight from the horses' mouths on how 200 Special Operations troops were able to rid the world of a tyranny and deal a deadly blow to the enemy Al-Qaeda Terrorists in the weeks following 9/11. (*****)
SSG David Bellavia: House To House
SSG Bellavia, Recipient of the Silver Star and recommended for the Medal of Honor takes us into the realities of Urban Combat. Another True Hero who will likely continue to lead this Nation forward as he continues to serve our Nation in new ways. (*****)
Marcus Luttrell: Lone Survivor
Marcus Luttrell, USN SeAL, and a true Hero takes the reader through his experiences including those that EARNED him the Navy Cross in Afghanistan. (*****)
Ace Of Spades: Why Language Matters In this article, Ace of Spades demonstrates how the writing style of "journalists" and other writers is purposely used to influence the electorate. He explains this far better than I have been able to do, but this is the foundation of why I could no longer be silent.
Go to War against the Nazis with SSG Smith of the 94th Infantry Division. Review: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2010/04/everymans-war-vet.html.html
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While you can find cheaper kits, or more comprehensive kits, an 100w panel with the addition of a battery is sufficient to get you started, and learn the basics.
Stepping up to the 200 watts of panels will cost a bit more on the front end, but avoid the costs of replacing as many components if you decide to expand it. It'll run you about 75% more than the first 100 watts
This is the document that clearly authorizes what the Federal government is allowed to do, what authorities and responsibilities the separate entities of the Government have. It is what Our Troops swear to defend and what our politicians and judges have sworn to uphold:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
As is pointed out within that article, the US Constitution is but four (4!!!) pages of simple language setting out what America is/will be, and what it is NOT. The foundations upon which a great nation was based seem to have been shaken to the core in recent years, as the current crop of politicians seem determined to over-reach the very clear limits placed upon them within that framework. Today, from where I sit, America is under attack by those very 'servants' of the people who - as noted above - swore to uphold the Constitution.
Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of England a few years after I left 'England, MY England,' (D H Lawrence reference
for those unaware,) but over the years I have followed her career with
interest and watched her undeniable impact on the British way of life.
When I first heard this morning of her death from a stroke, the first thing that came to mind was her unflinching response to IRA Bobby Sands' hunger strike, and her unswerving decision to reclaim the Falkland Islands after the Argentinians decided to occupy those British territories. (An interesting video on the Empire striking back, here.)
the hours following the announcement that yes, she has actually died, I
have been listening to the global responses to her death. I don't know
that there is ever a good time to die - for any of us - but I have to
think that Margaret Thatcher would not be pleased with the state of the
world today. It occurs to me that the current POTUS should probably be
relieved that he has not had to face the indomitable Iron Lady during
his own term(s) in office. Margaret Thatcher's principles and
philosophy were diametrically opposed to every decision, in any arena,
which he and his 'most transparent ever' government have forced on the
American people - often behind closed doors.
In the practice of special counter-drug patrols, cars and semi-trucks are pulled over on excuses of small infractions. The targets have out of state license plates. They are then "asked" if they will allow a search of their vehicle. (Just say NO!) The police are looking for cash. The cash is then seized on the suspicion that it is drug profits. The driver is pushed to deny ownership to make the legal proceedings simpler. The cash is then kept by the law enforcement agencies involved in seizing it. If the Citizen wants his money back, the prosecutor's office requires them to fight for it, with lawyers, sometimes for years, at considerable cost.
While it was Tennessee's journalists that uncovered it here, these shakedowns are not just happening here. News Channel 5, WSMV, Nashville has been investigating the illegal seizures of property for two years, since the Institute for Justice came out with their report. What they found was an abuse of power, greed, and corruption. It is clear from the words of those in power, those stealing from The People, that it is a breach of the Constitution. The people of Tennessee are outraged over it, even though the police are targeting guests of our great state.
The Institute of Justice points out that this practice is happening elsewhere. It includes Michigan, Texas, and Georgia in its reports as being worse than Tennessee, and more than half the Nation gets graded at least as bad. It found that in 2008, more than $1 Billion had been seized from individual Citizens and was being held by the Department of Justice's Assets Forfeiture Fund.
Download Inst for Justice - Policing for Profit
I encourage you to watch the video series. The defense of the practice by prosecutors and police officers should enrage you. When a police officer says "he didn't prove it wasn't drug money," it demonstrates a practice of "guilty until proven innocent."
"It is illegal to have proceeds." [of criminal activity], District Attorney General Kim Helper. The "fact that no one ever claimed the money proves it was illegal."
"The doctrine of in rem forfeiture arose from Medieval ideas, rooted in the ancient law of “deodand.”Kings, for instance, could seize an instrument that caused the death of another in order to finance the deceased’s funeral mass.The idea arose from a superstitious belief that objects acted independently to cause death." Policing for Profit, Institute of Justice
There is nothing illegal about using and/or having cash. I understand that in today's world few people use cash, but short of gold and silver, paper currency is still the closest thing to real money.
Constitutionally, it is the burden of the prosecutor and police to prove guilt in a crime, not the accused to prove innocence. This fundamental premise must be upheld in law, in legislation, and in practice.
Constitutionally, you and your property cannot be searched without proof of cause. It cannot be seized without Warrant.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall NOT be violated.." 4th Amendment, Bill of Rights, US Constitution
".. nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." 5th Amendment, Bill of Rights, US Constitution
If you are pulled over and asked to forfeit your Rights, i.e., "Can we look in your vehicle?" Just say NO! It may be the practice, but it is un-Constitutional, for the government to presume you are guilty because you retain your rights.
What should happen now? The Governor and Legislature of Tennessee should act to remove the excuse for unlawful search and seizure. The Judges should clamp down on the practice and protect the Constitution they swore to uphold. And beginning with the DAG Kim Helper, and including every official uncovered in Channel 5's investigation, demonstrating the corrupt and un-Constitutional "justification" for these roadside shakedowns should be fired, and stripped of any chance of ever being in a position of authority again. Ms. Helper should be disbarred.
And Citizens of other States should press for their governments to do the same. I'm all for seizing the finances of criminal organizations, but that money is not guilty of anything. The owner of the money must be proven to have gained it through criminal activity, before it can be seized.
In 2012, two videos achieved notoriety. One demonstrated the atrocities of Islamists in Egypt against Christians and spotlighted the precedents of the "prophet's" behavior in child molestation, and murder of civilians, war crimes, tyranny, and terrorism, as written in their holy book. The other was of an Asian in a dance he "created" which mimics the actions of a cowboy riding a horse.
One of the artistic creators was invited to perform for President Obama. The other was jailed by agents of the President.
But these men have a history. One is a refugee of Islamist abuses in Egypt while the other called for the torture of those following the orders of a previous President, following the orders of the American People. These are the 2004 words of one of the artists:
“Kill those f–ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives.” “Kill those f–ing Yankees who ordered them to torture.” “Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers” “Kill them all slowly and painfully.” Psy
One was accused of hate crimes and of inspiring violence around the world. The other was given photo-ops with the Royal, er, First Family. One has lived under threat to life and family and the other espoused that the families and children of others be tortured. One has been threatened with death and the other has called for the death of innocents. Both have American citizenship. Both have attained the attention of the Emperor, er President.
You know what, I don't give a dayum about an apology 8 years after the fact from the rapper. He has a 'right' to say what he does and I have a right to invite him to move to North Korea where his anti-American antics will get him celebrity status in a kingdom where subjects must express gratitude for every grain of rice they receive, from their Communist god-king.
But since the POTUS is so good and experienced with apologies, I do call on him to apologize for his actions, for his rewarding of and embracing a man who called for the rape, torture, and murder of Americans, and their children. He can't claim ignorance. It was well known who and what it was before he met with him. And he can't claim lack of authority. He has used the power of the office to uninvite others to functions he has attended, as well as having the symbols of Christianity covered in his presence.
It would be nice for him to apologize for his own misdeeds for a change, instead of for the successes of America, and for the hard road American Troops have taken to free the people of foreign lands of tyrants.
His apology doesn't mean I'll forget his actions, nor that I'll forgive him for embracing the one that called for torture and jailing the one that complained of oppression, but it is the right thing, for him to do.
I'm not alone in my disgust with the actions of the POTUS in this. Fellow Veterans reported the story first, over at This Ain't Hell.
Many have expressed concern that the current Presidential campaign has been devoid of National Security/Foreign Policy issues, myself included. I've said very little about Romney, because he has previously said very little about National Defense. I've picked up a few encouraging snippets in the last few weeks, but finally he has added some substance, on the topic Obama considers his strong suit.
"Hope is not a strategy." Romney is not the first I've heard say that. My old team Sergeant said it on a regular basis, when he felt complacency was setting in, when he thought someone wasn't planning or preparing properly, when someone forgot to plan. He was right "Hope is NOT a strategy." You can't just hope the right supplies and equipment will be available when you need it, where you need it, or that the other units involved are on the same sheet of music. You have to have a plan and you have to have thought out all the details of that plan, including what the enemy may do in response to your moves.
Romney is right. Hope is not a strategy. You have to have a plan for how to help your friends, and how to defeat your enemy.
Romney has pledged to roll back the Obama cuts to the Troops, to the restore the Navy from its current 1916 strengths. He has pledged to lead the Free World, not just hope others will do the right thing. He stated his recognition that a strong military prevents war, and that the world is more dangerous today than it was in 2008.
He noted that our Friends, our Allies, want American leadership, that the people of the Middle East, and the world want the Freedoms we have here. He pointed out that Libyans rejected the presence of the Islamist terrorists that had killed our diplomats, from remaining in their midst.
In the short 22 minutes of Romney's speech he points out many failures of the current Administration, such as Obama's silence when the Iranian people risked, and sacrificed their lives, in hopes that the world would help them overthrow their tyrannical regime, in 2009.
And when the civilian fatalities stood at half of the now 30,000, Obama sent Panetta & General Dempsey to Congress where his Secretary of Defense stated he would not get Congressional permission to go to war in Syria, but would wait on UN or NATO approval, despite the Constitution. And when the civilian fatalities stood at 1/3rd, the Administration said they didn't know who the rebels were, even after a year of combat. Now, al-Qaeda has made inroads, along with Hamas into the Syrian Civil War against Bashar Assad, his Russian and Communist Chinese allies, his Iranian allies, and their Hezbollah underlings. Lost in the crossfire are Syrians, who want Freedom, and democracy.
Though the Obama Administration denied the obvious for weeks, it has finally admitted that the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi was the work of Al-Qaeda, or at least its Islamist allies, and not just an overreaction to a two bit video no one had heard of or would have heard of, if it hadn't of been for the attack on our Embassy in Cairo. In fact, the attack on the Embassy in Cairo was advertised and supported by the Islamist Nour Party there, an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood ruling party, and the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi appears to have been led by a terrorist released prematurely from GITMO, and directed to occur by Al-Qaeda's leader, al-Zawahari.
And the attack came days before Obama announced he was releasing a 1/3rd of the remaining terrorists left at GITMO, and turning over the terrorists at Bagram, along with the prison to Afghanistan.
The Romney speech comes on the heels of Lara Logan's speech to the Better Governance Association in Chicago, where she told them that Islamism, the Taliban, and Al-Qaeda have grown stronger in the last few years (of the Obama Administration). She knows. She's been there. She was in the middle of the events in Cairo, and has the lumps to prove it. She has interviewed General Allen, President Karzai, and members of the Taliban. She wore no scarf with Karzai or Allen, semi-covered her hair with Karzai's underlings, and had to scarf the camera as well with the Taliban.
We now know that there were many Islamists in that mob that day.
Obama has abandoned the Middle East, and Latin America, while ignoring Africa, while ordering the Military to focus instead on the vast ocean of the Pacific, with fewer Troops. His Administration pulled back on security forces in Libya, when his Ambassador there asked for more, and intelligence noted a pending attack. And the Marine response team that should have been on a moment's notice, was days away. His Ambassador, OUR Ambassador there was murdered as a result. Yes, it is the fault of the Islamist Terrorists that conducted the attacks, but it is the Administration which is to blame for ignoring the intelligence and the requests of the Ambassador on the ground.
Romney has struck a stark difference between his policies in Foreign Affairs and the current Administration's. Romney says he won't publish an enemy emboldening timeline of retreat, but will instead use the Diplomacy of Strength. He won't abandon allies, or back down from enemies, but instead ensure that allies and enemies alike will know we mean what we say, and have the means to back it up, and the will to do so.
Romney has said he won't allow America to be tossed about on the waves of world events, but will lead from the front, and shape those events.
I'm not necessarily excited about Romney but I am impressed with his speech. And I'm glad he has finally stated some positions on National Security and Foreign Policy. I will hold him to those words if he wins, just as I have pointed out that Obama's were empty when he said "Afghanistan would be his top priority," in the 2008 campaign.
It is time to turn the tide back in the favor of Freedom, and to push the rise of Islamism back on its heels.
On March 29th, 1973, the last US Troops left Viet Nam, officially ending a war that was not considered a war. The official dates of the war to this day are not the same as the dates that the war was fought. The war began under Dwight Eisenhower and expanded under JFK.
The perception, falsely, remains that Our Troops lost. They did not. The politicians gave up, in the face of protests, initiated by our Cold War enemy. The politicians had tried to play General, hamstrung Our Troops, and failed to take the fight to the enemy for years before that.
The iconic images of the end of the war were taken 2 years later, on March 30th, 1975, when the US Embassy in Saigon was evacuated, as Saigon fell to the Communist North. Some, many, will say that because we had US Marines at the Embassy, the war continued. Every Embassy has Marines. Their role is to protect the US soil of the Embassy, and more practically, particularly in situations like this, the US Citizens that work in the Embassy. Our Marines, on March 30th, 1975 performed valiantly, saving as many lives as humanly and physically possible, but it was the South Vietnamese government, not the US Military that fell that day.
Our Troops fought Valorously and Honorably in Viet Nam. They did what was asked of them, and won the battles they fought. Our Nation still owes the Veterans of Viet Nam, primarily because Our Citizens maligned them, ignored them, and abused them for so long.
On this day, and every day that a Viet Nam War Veteran reveals himself, please Welcome him Home, and thank him for doing a difficult, and thankless job.
In the video above, Sergeant Major Max Beilke, US Army is shown in CBS footage. He was the last to leave Viet Nam, and became one of the first to fall in the War On Terrorism. He was killed in the Pentagon, on 9/11/2001, still serving his Nation and fellow Veterans, as a civilian.
In a conflict between Election Workers and a man, Tim Thompson, claiming to have served in the US Marine Corps, a cook in Nashville, managed to embarrass Tennesseans, Veterans, & Marines with behavior uncharacteristic of all. In a pre-planned event, he invited the news media to accompany and videotape the encounter, wherein he refused to present a Photo ID, as required by law, in order to vote.
While Tennessee Election Officials attempted to defuse the situation, by explaining what was required and what alternatives to the presentation of photo ID were, the man claiming to be a former Marine, pointed to a commonly available patch sewn on a leather jacket yelling "This is my ID." He also waved around a voter registration card typed on cardstock, with no picture that has been used in previous elections.
Tennessee issues photo ID's free of charge to those demonstrating proof of citizenship and residency, who do not have one of the approved photo ID's.
There are some that dislike General Petraeus, for partisan purposes, but for the majority of America, he is the most trustworthy and honest person on the public stage. We trust him, because he doesn't blow smoke up our collective butts. When things are going poorly, he says so, without regard for what politician or party will be faulted for it. When things are going well, he says so. When things need work, he says so. When a strategy works, he doesn't care if its sponsored by the Democrats or the Republicans.
"It is vital to (US) National Security Interests that Al-Qaeda and the Taliban not be able to re-establish terrorist sanctuaries in Afghanistan." GEN David Petraeus, 3/18/2011, interview with Michael O'Hanlon on the National Review, above.
"The Iranian Revolutionary Guards force (are) training, equipping, and financing insurgents in Afghanistan." ibid.
"We have to prevent them from (terrorists/Al-Qaeda) operating anywhere, including Yemen and elsewhere." "We need to displace them from Pakistan." ibid
"We have to help them (Afghans) to build those institutions." "We have to have a comprehensive COIN strategy." ibid
On the front pages of the international msm this past week:
Airman 1st Class Matthew R. Seidler, 24, of Westminster, Md. Tech. Sgt. Matthew S. Schwartz, 34, of Traverse City, Mich. Senior Airman Bryan R. Bell, 23, of Erie, Pa Staff Sgt. Jonathan M. Metzger, 32, of Indianapolis, Ind. Spc. Robert J. Tauteris Jr., 44, of Hamlet, Ind. Christopher A. Patterson, 20, of Aurora, Ill. Spc. Brian J. Leonhardt, 21, of Merrillville, Ind. Pfc. Dustin P. Napier, 20, of London, Ky Pfc. Michael W. Pyron, 30, of Hopewell, Va Pfc. Neil I. Turner, 21, of Tacoma, Wash
You might be excused if you missed the msm headlines on these Fallen American Heroes this past week.
Maybe you saw these stories on the front pages of the international msm:
I am *sure* you all saw this video as the top story of the broadcast media last week. It is an interview with a Security Chief in Marjah, on how things have changed since the Taleban has been thrown out - defeated.
No, you saw none of these on the international front pages, BUT I found them and posted these (and others) on War On Terror News.
What we all saw on the msm front page news, and as top story on the broadcast media, was a story about four Marines who filmed themselves doing something very stupid. Whether or not you agree with the act they did is not at issue for me, but the fact they recorded it? Yes, THAT was stupid, and I have to wonder how they ever thought such a film would not become 'news,' given the 24/7 insatiable appetite of our msm, who seem to salivate at every opportunity to show OUR Military in a bad light.
It's been an interesting week, as we learned that the current POTUS considers himself more accomplished than all but 3 others, and VP doesn't view the Taliban shooting at us in Afghanistan "the enemy." Blows my mind to be honest. If we give these guys another 4 years, the POTUS should proclaim himself more important than George Washington, and the VP will probably be telling us that there is no North Korean nuclear threat. They're both arrogantly ignorant. I never thought Robert Gibbs should have lasted a week, but he made those two look smart, and they should hire him back.
Oh, I'm sorry, he already thinks he's done more than George Washington!?!? Evidently, he thinks Truman did more than Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington as well. The Founding Fathers, supposedly did less than the guy that came along 240 years later? Winning the Cold War was less influential than "ending" the War in Iraq?
The Washington Post would have us believe that he not some type of egomaniac that puts himself above the First President, but a dupe who fell for a gotcha moment. But Obama did in fact say that ONLY his first two years, when he had absolute power with an absolute majority in both houses were enough to outshine even Thomas Jefferson, who put an end to piracy in his time, on Foreign Policy, that he has more legislative achievements than George Washington who oversaw the implementation of the Bill of Rights in his own first two years.
Meanwhile, Biden sits in his back office and opines that though we went to war with the Taliban, that we tossed them out of power, though they regularly throw acid in the faces of girls learning to read, that they are not the enemy. And that's the guy who tried to comfort us by saying he would always be in the room when Obama was making important decisions?
These are the guys that told us there were no Al-Qaeda in Iraq, that more guns in fight meant only more targets on the battlefield, for the enemy, that told us that no matter how many Troops we put on the battlefield, we would lose? These are the guys that after campaigning on Afghanistan as the first priority, and the "good war," had to be forced to send re-enforcements? These are the guys that told us that there were only 50-200 Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan when they took office are telling us there are still only 200?
These are the guys that tell us we should shift our Department of Defense budget from Troops and F-22's to Solar Panels? And are doing it? In every year that these two have been in office, the Budget Deficit has been TRIPLE the record year, while the DoD budget has shrunk. In a time of war, they've started a 3rd, without Congressional Consultation, much less authorization, and cut the number of Troops to fight them.
Arrogantly ignorant, or Ignorantly Arrogant? You choose, but it appears that Biden is rubbing off on Obama.
It never ceases to astound me that the self-proclaimed experts are so ignorant of the basic terms and definitions and too lazy to find the definitions they wish to elaborate on. In recent months, that has been one self-published journalist on a crusade to remove MedEvac markings from DustOff helicopters. He has recently proclaimed that the definitions of CasEvac and MedEvac are just too murky to figure out, for him, and hence beyond the comprehension of his readers, the Generals, and politicians he's trying to convince. Previously, he couldn't figure out what "Arab" means.
So what does the Army say is the difference?
a. Medical Evacuation. MEDEVAC is defined in FM 8-10-6as the timely, efficient movement and en route care by medical personnel of the wounded, injured, and ill persons, from the battlefield and other locations to MTFs (medical treatment facilities). The term MEDEVAC refers to both ground and air assets. Divisions are equipped with both ground and air MEDEVAC assets.
b. Casualty Evacuation. CASEVAC is defined as movement of casualties to initial treatment facilities and movement of casualties to MTFs in the combat zone. It does not include en route care by medical personnel and implies that nonmedical assets (UH-60s or CH-47s) are being used to move casualties. CASEVAC should only be used when the unit has a large number of casualties (exceeding the ability of the MEDEVAC aircraft to carry) or MEDEVAC is not available.
Wall Street is America. If you have a 401k, a Mutual Fund, an IRA, a Roth, a TSP, or stocks or mutual fund of any kind, YOU are Wall Street. Those shareholdersthat CEO's report to? That's YOU! The Dow Jones Industrial Average is often cited as an economic barometer, as well as the S&P 500, and other "baskets of stock." When your retirement account decreases or increases in value, that is a result of ALL shareholders, i.e. Wall Street, making their micro-predictions on how well the company and its slice of the American economy will perform. When you buy stock, you are buying a part of company. You become a business owner by buying shares in a corporation. Chances are you are Wall Street.
The people occupying a park in New York City, and marching in various cities around the Nation and World, claim to be "the 99%." With the ultra-rich like Nancy Pelosi & George Soros backing them, they're not the 99% who aren't rich. And with a great portion of Americans owning stock in some manner, there aren't 99% who don't own stocks. With nearly half of America paying taxes, they're not the 99% who pay or who don't pay taxes. With the majority of Americans having health insurance, they're not the 99% who do or don't have that. So, evidently they are the 99% who fictionalize statistics.
The Occupiers claim to be leaderless, but the protests were started by self-described anti-capitalists, a group called AdBusters. Affiliated protest groups have sprung up in dozens of cities across America, as well as countries around the world. The "Occupy" movement was started June 9th, 2011 by a man in Vancouver, Kalle Lasn, and advertised in his own anti-capitalist website/magazine "Adbusters." It receives leadership and support from Van Jones, George Soros, and Nancy Pelosi, as well as others in the super rich category. Therein lies the hypocrisy, because the claim to being the "99%" is that they are the 99% with less than $593,000/year in income, while Soros, Russ Feingold, Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, Keith Ellison, Obama, et.al. are Millionaires or Billionaires.
They have the support of rich Hollywood types such as Michael Moore, Roseanne Barr, Susan Sarandon, and Tom Morello. Other celebrities lending their support include Keith Olbermann, Anti-Flag, Margaret
A 4th of July without fireworks? I was recently made aware of just that, where else but in California? In An American Carol, Leslie Neilson opens with a story of how the 4th of July was saved from a group of miscreants attempting to ban the holiday. It was released to theaters in 2008. In 2009, a California town banned fireworks. It claimed that it cost too much to patrol the beaches for criminals preying on its citizens and visitors. Instead, the city preys on its citizenry which might want to celebrate:
"The Monterey Police Department would like to remind everyone that ALL fireworks are prohibited within the city limits of Monterey. Officers will be out to enforce the ban through the holiday weekend. Fines for violation of the ban start at $1000.00" LT Leslie Sonne
To ensure fireworks wouldn't return to the budget, the city spent $20,000 to sink the barge that was used to launch them. Is this life imitating art?
I didn't find his site from the MSM, though they've reported on it. I found the Preserve and Honor website because he linked to a story on Project Honor. I looked around his site, and finding no donation buttons or ads, I sent him an email, only knowing his name. As I looked a little further, I found the press page. And this kid is doing the right thing for the right reason. My fallen Brothers are NOT just numbers and they should not be a cash cow. He understands this.
I was a little apprehensive as I clicked the "Two Ways You Can Help" link. I was worried that my hopes would be dashed with a request for money. No, he is asking you to help in his efforts, to correct any errors in spelling, to add to his catalog of their awards, to send him a picture of their headstone. He's not asking for much, just for you to go visit your local heroes and help him set a database to honor them.
It's rare that I can post an endorsement before a candidate posts their positions. David Bellavia is a different case. I already know where he stands on National Defense. He strongly supports a strong National Defense. He's demonstrated it more than once, on the battlefield and on Capital Hill. He is a known commodity, to many of us.
He faces an uphill battle, but it's not an impossible battle, not for him. He has faced greater odds. He's running as an independent (campaign site). He won't be beholden to the Republican or the Democratic Party, when he wins. We can use more independents in Congress and I believe the reason we have so few is that so few quality candidates, like Bellavia, have run without a big party backing. He also has a facebook page for his campaign. (Be sure to like it.)
Bellavia is a member of our Hall of Heroes. Who is he? What has he done?
The latest Navy "scandal" provides an interesting look at the divide between Military and Civilian, between men and women, between what the protected want to believe about the Military and what the Military once was and traditions it has tried to protect from politcal correctness.
Not every civilian condemns the video of Captain Honors and not every veteran defends it, but the line is primarily drawn between those that have "been there" and those that never served. In cases like this, to the great consternation of my subject matter expert, I ask a particular civilian for her perceptions, before providing any input. I like to start with just the information provided in the media, then provide the fuller context (in this case the video), get the resulting perception, and then my Veteran input on the matter. I don't want to corrupt the perceptions, because I want to know how effective the media has shaped the debate and how the more complete story does/does not change it, before I attempt to do so.
See comments at This Ain't Hell for the Veteran response. It seems that Captain Honors has been taken down by the PC Police and for that reaction see this post at TAH. Video and our original report here. A page has however been setup on Facebook to defend his Honor.
SSgt Workman is featured in the Hall of Heroes and a book review on this from Marine Till Death that read it as it was written: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2008/12/shadow-of-the-sword-by-jeremiah-workman-w-john-bruning.html
http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2008/12/ssgt-jeremiah-workman-navy-cross-usmc-iraq-marion-oh.html and links to prior articles.
Reads like an action novel, but gives insight into the way a Special Forces team operates. Go Along as an SF Medic turned Team Sergeant Trains and Fights in Afghanistan and the Invasion of Iraq.
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