Paul Szoldra, of the satirical military news site, The Duffel Blog (highly recommended), has started a petition for the US News & World Report to include an index of the Best Rated Universities for Military Veterans. He also maintains the site: College, which is serious and attempts to provide information to Veterans striking out on the same path he has taken: Higher Education.
There is certainly a need for such a study and a ranking. As Paul notes, there are many less than savory organizations out there that are just after the money that comes with enrollment in College by Military Veterans. There are "non-profits" and for-profit businesses that get paid by the US government to provide information to Veterans. And frankly the needs of the Veterans are not always their primary concern.
The "Post-9/11 GI Bill" complicates that matter, because unlike the "New Montgomery GI Bill," there is a highly complicated formula for how much is paid, and how to get paid, not to mention, who can be given the benefits and when, if the Soldier decides not to use them himself. Additionally, some Veterans have already paid into and earned the Montgomery GI Bill, and have to decide whether to use that fund first, or to convert to the Post 9/11 GI Bill and forever fore go the other college money.
This is an issue that is far too big for one person to tackle alone, and too important to be entrusted to those with a financial or political agenda. While I would be more comfortable with a Veterans initiated polling system, the size of such an endeavor would be enormous. Hence, the recommendation that Paul makes is the best solution that is currently feasible. Still, if there is a person that could put together a system that would elicit a College Veteran based system, Paul does seem to be that guy.
If you have experience, with a particular College or University, and are a Veteran, please feel free to tell us about it in comments below. In particular, please elaborate on what went well or bad in relation to Veteran Relations, including processing of GI Bill benefits and other financial aid, as well as other Veteran Related interactions with the Staff, Faculty, and fellow Students. Please use a valid email address, as I may ask some follow-up questions. Your email address will not be published (assuming you don't post it inside the body of your comment or in the name block) and won't be shared without YOUR permission. And I won't add you to any lists or repeatedly email you.
At the very least your comments may assist a fellow Veteran in making an educational decision, though I do recommend that all persons reading the comments to continue their due diligence and not rely on those comments alone.
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